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Shed Reviews

DuraMax 10.5x8 WoodBridge II Vinyl Shed w/ Foundation

This shed is solid and a good investment but make no mistake ..

4 of 5 Stars!

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DuraMax 10.5x8 WoodBridge II Vinyl Shed w/ Foundation
$1499.99 $1299.95
by A. Tsiouklas Date Added: Tuesday 06 April, 2021
separator Shed was shipped and delivered quickly. Received it within about 2 weeks from ordering. Shed was packed nicely and on one pallet. One of the steel channels that the sides fit into were slightly damaged/bent and was not evident by looking at the packaging. I was able to straighten it out with some basic tools. I did not use the foundation kit that was included because I was building the shed on a wood deck. The parts were very well marked as were the instructions. I assembled the shed over the course of 3 days, maybe spending 2-3 hours per day on assembly. When installing the wall panels, I did have to solicit the help of a couple friends. They had to hold the panels upright because the shed is very unstable until all the walls are up and fastened. Once you add the roof trusses, the shed becomes solid. I like all aspects of the shed except this - the panels are very thin, almost about the thickness of cardboard. You cannot lean anything heavy on the walls inside the shed because the panels bow. You also cannot hang shelf brackets in all places. If using shelf brackets, you have to mount them on the vertical uprights and there's only 2 of those per side. So it limits you a bit. That was really the only negative about the shed. Aside from that, the shed is well built and actually looks very nice out back. It replaced a 20 year old Royal Winchester Vinyl shed. The Royal was an excellent shed but had wood core doors (wood outdoors will ROT) and it's no longer made. This shed has vinyl doors and they will never rot. Hope that it lasts 20 years +.

Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]
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