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Shed Reviews

DuraMax 10.5x8 WoodBridge II Vinyl Shed w/ Foundation

The shed came quickly and in perfect condition. Fairly easy ..

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DuraMax 10.5x8 WoodBridge II Vinyl Shed w/ Foundation
$1499.99 $1299.95
by A. Kirkendoll Date Added: Friday 06 March, 2015
separator The instructions state that 2 people should be able to construct this shed in approx 4 hours. Hahahahaha! It took me and my husband 2 days to build, and we built our own house, so we're not complete rookies at this kind of stuff. The instructions were fairly easy to follow, and once you get the idea, it moves along fairly well. Some of the holes for the roofing sections, however, did not line up, so there were a few cuss words spoken at China for that. The shed itself, once finished, feels very sturdy. The instructions mention in passing that you "might" want to put a layer of silicone or caulking around the base of the door to keep out heavy rain / flooding. Well, roger that, Houston. You'll need a minimum of 3 tubes of silicone or caulking to fill the gaps between the shed and foundation, because it's not just the door area that needs filling. We think it'll help to keep bugs out also. We'll have to see how the skylight holds up in our Florida sunshine. It is a thinner material than the rest of the roof. If it is made of cheap polycarbonate, it could crack and leak with time. Overall, the shed is sturdy, looks nice, and has already been through 3 heavy rainstorms without problems. Construction was time-consuming, but not too difficult, except for parts of the roof. It was shipped within one week of ordering also. Nice! Worth the money and time.

Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]
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