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Shed Reviews

EZ-Fit Riverside 8x12 Wood Storage Shed Kit

This shed is HUGE! Much taller than I expected. It went up v ..

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EZ-Fit Riverside 8x12 Wood Storage Shed Kit
$4999.95 $3499.00
by R. cornett Date Added: Tuesday 26 May, 2020
separator My complaint is the same as most everyone else's. The shipping company will call you and request more money to be able to deliver the product with a forklift or else you will have to have friends help you off load the materials. During a pandemic, the friends thing was not viable since the city i live in was on lockdown. They delivered with a forklift for an additional $234, which the shipping company paid for. The shed was decent to put up, the instructions are crappy and you cannot really understand them, there were several ways to interpret them, confusing to say the least. Took me and a friend 3 days to put it together. We used screws and not the nails they sent in the packaging so it was more sturdy. The shed is pretty good quality though, I was actually impressed with how well it went together aside from the confusing instructions. The roof sheathing was the most confusing. The instructions were not correct, the correct layout was on the packing list. That took an hour and a lot of Goodland to figure out. Luckily it had happened to others and was able to find a thread explaining the roof. They need better instructions.

Rating: 4 of 5 Stars! [4 of 5 Stars!]
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