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Shed Reviews

Lifetime 10x8 Side Entry Storage Shed w/ Floor

My wife and I are very pleased with this shed it is fairly e ..

5 of 5 Stars!

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Lifetime 10x8 Side Entry Storage Shed w/ Floor
$2099.99 $1655.95
by M. Holsen Date Added: Friday 30 September, 2022
separator Hi folks at Sheds for Less.
It is a really beautiful shed. HOWEVER, there were troubles with parts that did not fit properly and instructions and drawings that were vague or confusing. We have done a fair amount of building and are used to reading complicated directions. it was a major chore to get things to fit. The shed parts being made of semi-flexible materials causes some of this.

You ABSOLUTELY need at least two people to put one of these together. At times, three people would really have been ideal. Even though we build a level footing, My husband said he wished he would have started from scratch and built in wood. Sorry we just really want to give whatever help we can to others who might be putting one of these together.

PLEASE, have the people writing the directions slow down and add more detail. If was frustrating.

The major change I would recommend on the structure of the shed is to have a way to attach the door assembly to the walls of the shed itself. The header section over those doors that the rods slot into does not stabilize them till you add roof sections. PLEASE you have to have a way to attach the door assemblies to the walls of the shed rather than struggling to hold onto the doors and header so you can put the roof sections on. Thanks for your time.

Rating: 3 of 5 Stars! [3 of 5 Stars!]
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