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Arrow Metal Storage Sheds FAQ

frequently asked questions


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1.) Why should I purchase a metal storage shed?
Metal storage sheds are the most economical form of storage compared to wood, plastic, vinyl or monthly rent.

2.) What tools do I need to assemble an Arrow shed? A #2 phillips screwdriver, work gloves, a pair of pliers and a step ladder. A magnetic tip cordless screwdriver will speed up assembly time by 40%. Two people are recommended for assembly. Do not assemble the shed on a windy day.

3.)What kind of foundation do I use for my new shed?
The key to successful installation is to make sure the shed is assembled on a square and level surface. You have three choices for a foundation - pour a concrete slab, build a wood floor or use an Arrow Floor Foundation Kit which assembles in minutes and provides a floor frame suitable for a plywood floor finish (finishing plywood is not included).

4.) Do I need to anchor my Arrow storage shed?
Yes! Your storage shed must be anchored to prevent possible wind damage. Arrow Sheds offers a ground anchor kit, (AK4), which has four heavy duty ground augers, cable, and clamps. Also available is an AK100 concrete shed anchor kit and the AK600 is perfect for smaller and sloped roof style Arrow sheds.

5.) Are the assembly instructions easy to follow?
Yes, each part is identified with a factory number. The instructions contain a drawing as well as an assembly illustration for each step. Read the manual before beginning. If a part is missing or damaged call 1-800-851-1085 ext. 1. It is very helpful to completely unpack the shipping carton and get organized by laying out all the parts for easy identification.

6.) Are all supplies and parts included with my shed?
Everything is packed in the box except three (3) elements:
1. The necessary tools to assemble the shed.
2. A floor is not included which provides the consumer with a choice for the type of foundation they prefer.
3. And a shed anchor kit.

7.) Can Arrow sheds be painted?
Arrow metal sheds can be painted with an exterior grade paint designed for use on metal surfaces.

8.) What is meant by nominal size?
Nominal size is the roof edge dimensions of the shed rounded to the nearest foot. Always check the interior dimensions and recommended foundation floor size as these are smaller than the nominal size.

9.) How long will it take to assemble my new Arrow shed?
There are too many variables which make it difficult to calculate the amount of time needed to assemble a shed. You should plan to devote a full day with another person as a helper to assemble the storage shed after you have selected and constructed the foundation prior to starting.

10.) What is the gauge of steel used in Arrow metal sheds?
Arrow does not go by the gauge but instead provides us the thickness of the metal. The thickness of the metal used on our Arrow sheds is as follows: Metal frames are .019, wall panels are .0088 and the door panels are .0141. The Murryhill Arrow sheds are slightly thicker. The frames are .0230, wall panels .0141 and door panels .0160. Measurements are of one inch.

11.) What is the snow load of Arrow sheds?
Roof snow load on all Arrow sheds is 10 pounds per square foot. However, if the customer installs one of our roof strengthening kits this load will increase to 15 pounds per square foot. (Arrow shed roof strengthening kits are available in our accessories categories or by adding to your shed under Add Recommended Accessories.)

Shed Accessories

12.) What is the difference between the painted steel and vinyl coated steel finishes?
Arrow sheds give you the choice of either a baked on polyester enamel finish and a baked on vinyl coating. The main difference is that the vinyl is thicker and more flexible. Please see below for more details on these finishes.

Arrow Storage Shed Finishes

Arrow Vinyl Sheds - Vinyl Plastisol Coating

* Vinyl coated galvanized heavy duty steel
* Paint is five times thicker than standard finishes
* Vinyl is applied over a full coat of primer paint
* Resists scratches and fading from the sun
* Flexible coating minimizes paint cracks and chips
* Grained finish increases resistance to wear
* Mid-wall brace and hot-dipped galvanized frame parts
* 15 year limited warranty!

Arrow Metal Sheds - Electro-Galvanized Steel

* Full mid-wall bracing and hot-dipped galvanized frame parts
* 100% galvanized steel sheds
* Deep Track doors on large glides for a non-stick, smooth sliding
* Double baked-on polyester enamel finish
* 12 year limited warranty!

Arrow Wood Like Sheds - Woodgrain Finish

* The look of wood in a metal shed, maintenance free!
* Baked-on enamel finish
* Roof, wall panels and doors are made of sturdy galvanized steel
* Hot-dipped galvanized steel frame parts
* Mid-wall brace for greater strength
* Deep track door glides for non-stick, smooth sliding
* 12-year limited warranty!

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